3 Important Things Clients have Taught Me Since Launching a Coaching Business
Funny thing about entering my 50’s… new lessons feel like wisdom, not just education.
My clients inspire me every single day. They do great things and together we celebrate the wins! They make me want to continuing growing and expanding.
Here are 3 of the most important pieces of wisdom my clients have helped me internalize over the past few years:
One of the many patterns I see with my clients that I think you’ll find quite interesting is how the depth of their struggles that they’ve overcome is inversely proportional to the heights of their success.
It makes total sense doesn’t it? The lows create the forces that build the muscles for growth, which catapult the everyday champion upwards like a slingshot into whatever definition of ‘success’ they choose to set their sights on.
Put another way – the lower the lows, the higher the highs. The more you are willing to be challenged, the more skills, satisfaction, fulfillment and fun you will experience.
The more you serve, the more it comes back. It always sounded good…but getting to experience it firsthand is something different entirely. It just hits different when you live it. Give value first.
When you make sure your clients are looked after, they’ll make sure they look after you.
Avoiding discomfort and overwhelm just keeps you stuck. This is a mind twister because no one ever craves being in overwhelm. But when we look deeper, overwhelm and overstress are not simply from piling on too much work. They are states created when we go about things with friction.
Not holding boundaries and saying “no”. People-pleasing. Perfectionism. Lack of clarity in the goals. Not acknowledging our deeper fears. Setting expectations that won’t be delivered on. Avoiding growth moments. Those are the things that lead to overstress and overwhelm.
I am grateful that every day I get to work in the Growth space. That my clients are amazing people that happen to be entrepreneurs with ambition. That I get to sit down and pour out my thoughts and that someone might find this helpful, or inspiring, in some way – creating action.
What is the one wisdom above that resonated for you as you read through it? That is your opportunity! Start there.
Ask yourself what is important to you about that insight – come up with 3-5 answers to that. And what do you want to do about it? And what actions or results would prove that you are moving in the right direction?
When you can take a thread that is pulling on you, put a sustainable action or habit around it, it is one of the most gratifying and confidence building practices you can do for yourself.
Time is of the essence. Let’s keep getting better, together.