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What Would YOU Do With More Money?

A great servant....a terrible master
A great servant....a terrible master

What Would You Do With More Money?


A better relationship with money brings you MORE MONEY! 

We all inherently understand that money isn’t the most important thing…it’s what it can do for you.  If lifestyle freedom and living a fun and purposeful life are important to you – it can help you do that!

For those of you who have lived with money, and without money, it is much more satisfying to live with money.

As I say to my clients, ‘Money is only as important as oxygen’.  

Money is also like alcohol – it just makes you more of who you already are.   Strong value-guided people become even more so with wealth.

With a healthier, more abundant psychological relationship to money, you will see more money flow to you over time.   And good people do great things with more money.


Money Mastery Activity

Here’s a money mastery exercise you can play with.

Score your current satisfaction, from 1-10, where 10 = ‘highest level of personal satisfaction’ with these 6 actions around money (don’t overthink it, just jot down a number from your gut, all things considered):

  • Earning

  • Saving

  • Spending

  • Managing

  • Investing

  • Giving


After you score your current satisfaction scores, then score each of the six money actions again for where you’d LIKE them to score in a year from now.

Now relax, take a deep breath, and look at your 2 scores for each of the 6 money mastery actions and note what your biggest takeaway is.  

Whatever your top insight is, ask yourself this question related to it:  What would represent 1-point higher than my current score out of 10 in that particular category?   

Write that answer down and make that your money mastery priority for this month or quarter.  

Answers like, set up an auto-savings account with even $50 a month (you won’t miss it!); or, save 10% more each month; or, learn about how to give without breaking my bank; or, watch one YouTube video a week on how to manage my money better; or, learn about money mastery and abundance each week – these are all relevant examples and options.

Choose your own action and then set yourself a reminder to be consistent with it – i.e.. put it in your calendar on repeat, now.

As your money intelligence grows, so does your money mastery... followed by your wealth.  

What would you do with more money?


"Good people do great things with more money.”  - Anonymous



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