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Want to make More Money this Year? ...Nail these 5 laws for Stratospheric Success!

The Go Giver book by Bob Burg and John David Mann
The Go Giver book by Bob Burg and John David Mann

You Want to Make More Money?   Do This Better!


You ever read the short book, The Go Giver?    If you have you know it’s a super quick read packed with the formula for growing your income much faster.  

The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success are packed with wisdom and I’m aligning with them more and more each week to drive my business and my purpose.


Law #1: The Law of Value

“Your true worth is how much you give in value opposed to how much you take in payment.”

Not your inner ‘worthiness’ worth – this is your worth in the marketplace.  

Bring your GIVE ENERGY much more to your work and see how that works for ya! 

Next client or colleague interaction, ask yourself how you could genuinely give in a way that person would like to receive value, and see how astonished they become!  


Law #2: The Law of Compensation

“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”

It’s much less about ‘average level of service to more people’  …much more about ‘client astonishment’ and delivering HUGE value to your clients!   Exceed your clients’ expectations through what and how you are delivering.  

You’ve heard the quote… "You Can Have Everything in Life You Want if You Will Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want.”   – Zig Ziglar


Law #3: The Law of Influence

“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.”

Oh the irony!! Irrespective of your own desire to make big money, the law of influence is about always putting your clients’ and/or employees’ needs before your own.  

Easier said than done.


Law #4: The Law of Authenticity

“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.”

Is this doesn’t scream in your face about how to do your Social Media different from every one else…I don’t know what does!   

And this one isn’t simply just about Social Media.  It means be yourself in everything you do.   Be quirky and fun if that’s you!   Be strong and direct if that’s you!   Share your values out loud.  Be you!  

It’s the best tool you have to be unique in the marketplace.  And more than ever, it’s necessary if you want to stand out and get noticed in this attention-based economy!


Law #5: The Law of Receptivity

“The key to effective giving is to be open to receiving.”

Reciprocation is a natural result of giving.   Give in alignment with yourself and others as a way of life and you’ll understand true gratitude.  

This particular law is not to be confused with the ‘Law of Attraction’.   The Law of Attraction is about creating or attracting what you desire by aligning your mindset and energy. 

This law, the Law of Receptivity, is about removing mental or emotional blocks that prevent you from accepting help, gifts, or opportunities.  This might include overcoming feelings of unworthiness, guilt, or a belief that "giving is good, but receiving is selfish."


Which law is most interesting to you?   Which one feels like the one you would benefit the most by improving it?

Choose your action to improve it and set a daily reminder in your daytimer or calendar to work on it.  


Create more abundant & authentic value for others and enjoy the fruits of your labour!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

-Winston Churchill



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