You want better results? Challenge your self-leadership.
And with a fork stab of ¼ chicken breast from the fridge devoured, I sit down to write this for you and for my own delight...
I got to guest on a podcast yesterday where we spoke about self-leadership.
It’s a topic that is becoming more and more fascinating (and necessary!) by the day.
With the pace of the world ever-quickening, our attention being fought for with increasing frequency and might, and financial freedom becoming more elusive – what’s left is the realization that self-leadership is fundamental to reach new heights.
The relevance of self-leadership is supported by the most popular online learning and courses:
AI; Digital Marketing & Entrepreneurship; Meditation; Investing; Blockchain tech
People are understanding that they need to learn more to earn more. Financial freedom is a universal desire b/c financial freedom is a catalyst for personal freedom.
Clarity Drives Action
What’s your definition of self-leadership?
I like simple – and brief.
My definition of Self-Leadership:
“How we create space for our own success”.
Clarity Through Specificity
The top 3 areas (of 10) that I focus on in Self-Leadership with my clients are these:
- The Essentials: Sleep; Activity; Nutrition; Stress Control; EQ
- Clarity / Vision
- Standards (with a side of “ownership”)
We don’t elevate to the level of our goals. We drop to the level of our standards.
Standards matter more than goals because standards are baked right into our Identity.
Identity runs deepest. It’s who we say we “ARE”. And we most consistently act in alignment with our current Identity. No matter what you say your Identity is… how you behave and act consistently is what your Identity truly is.
You want better results? Challenge your self-leadership. Challenge and elevate your standards. Be better. In the pure sense of the word.
“Being a self-leader is to serve as chief, captain, president, or CEO of one’s own life.”
- Peter Drucker