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Want a Hall Pass?

What if you didn't have to be Productive or worry about Responsibilities?
What if you didn't have to be Productive or worry about Responsibilities?

What would you do if you had a Hall Pass on Life for two weeks?? No responsibilities. No worries. No stress. And you legit have ZERO requirements to be productive for 2 weeks.

Honestly, what would you do or plan first?  

It’s a fun question because, if you’re anything like me, the first thing that comes to mind is what I want most right now.  

Some sun and maybe a 10-day getaway.   Time with good friends.   Celebration.   Sleep ins for a day or two.   Maybe attend a retreat or event out of town related to something fun and interesting!

What about you?   What would you do?  


I want you to take 2 minutes out right now for yourself.   What would you actually make plans to do?   I’ll wait… (stop reading and do it please)



This isn’t one of those moments where I flip it around and say, “Now, go do it!”   

That doesn’t feel right today.

But my assertion here is that whatever you just thought of (hopefully more than one thing) has nothing to do with being lazy.  

Even if you chose restful things, that’s not lazy! 

That’s your mind/body telling you what it needs or wants.

Whatever you did choose – that’s good intel for you!  


There’s another valuable point here too.  

When you are in these quiet moments of stress-free thought, you always come up with the most valuable insights for yourself.   Your own individualized wisdom.

When the resistance is gone, what’s left is flow.   Ease.   Wisdom.


Wouldn’t it make sense to have more moments like these?   And what would it likely lead to for you?


Coach’s Challenge

So here’s my coach’s challenge to you this week: Carve out specific, intentional time for this (even 10 minutes!) once or twice over the next week to give yourself this thinking time.   Stress and resistance free thinking time.   Responsibility-free thinking time.   Wisdom time.

I'm curious if you'll do it, and what you come up with.

"Guys, it's all right if you strike out. For God's sake at least take a couple of swings!"

-- Hog Head, from Hall Pass movie



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