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How are you doing with this X-factor?

How are you Showing Up? The great X-Factor...

How you are showing up for your family, business, friends, & self is perhaps THE most important factor in your experience of life.  It is upstream of almost everything else.

Nothing has contributed more to my success and fulfilment in my coaching business more than focusing on how I “show up”?    As a matter of fact, it’s a conversation I have with every single one of my clients.   (PostNote: this took me literally 4 minutes to write – I get so excited about this topic it just pours out!)

With my clients, the ‘showing up’ question is usually asked as how are you showing up in your entrepreneurial journey?

Aaaaaannnnd… how you are showing up in your business or work role is how you are showing up in the other key areas of your life, too.

If you are giving it a solid 70% in your business, you are likely giving that same energy to your partner.   Or kids.   Or friends.   Probably less to yourself and your own needs.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that you aren’t working your ass off.   I’m certain you are tired at the end of your days.  It’s not at all about energy expended.   Remember?  Hard vs smart?

I mean more like, how intentional and strategic are you being?   How often are you reflecting on what’s working and what isn’t?   How often are you challenging yourself to grow in these areas?   To do something even better in these areas?    How much does your calendar reflect your highest priorities?    How often are you checking in with your top priorities through your week?   And when do you put your energy and needs at or near the top of your list?

These are the things that make top performers, top performers.  

If your answers to those questions above are “meh” quality, then your life  experience is “meh” quality most of the time.


The Good News?   

You control this!   

As much as that might feel like a gut punch…it’s true!    And I’ll take truth over sugar-coated, thank you very much!

Being more hardcore in how you set and keep your boundaries is truly this important!

And as much as you probably don’t want to talk about this right now, boundaries and intention with your priorities and schedule are based in self-worth, self-love, & self-care.

That’s as deep as I’ll go there today… However, here’s what I want you to reflect on for yourself:

How did you feel when you read through those questions in that paragraph above about how you are showing up?   And what does that mean for you?  How intentional are you being with growth for yourself, your business/role, and your closest relationships?  And what is ONE step you could take (in any key area of your life) that would make you feel more purposeful and proud?

If you don’t start attacking this now, one or more years can go by in a flash!  

Self-leadership is at the heart of how you show up.  

Lead better, live better.



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